How to get your “steps” while social distancing


Do go have a fitness tracker (Fitbit, Apple Watch, Garmin Tracker, etc.)?
If so, you probably do lots of random little things to get all your “steps” and “stairs” for the day. Things like: parking further away from the entrance, taking walks on your lunch break, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, and walking around the mall for a few extra steps. If this sounds like you, then you’re probably going crazy figuring out how to get your steps in while staying at home. Well I’ve got you covered. Here are a few tips to keep you on track while staying at home.

1) Decrease your step goal. Wear your tracker for 3 days and do your “regular” home routine (the one you’ve been doing since the stay at home ordinances were announced). Take the average of those three days of steps and stairs, then make a goal to do 2,000 extra steps and 2 extra trips up the stairs if possible (going up hills will give you stair credit 😉).

2) Walk in place or pretend to jump rope while watching tv. Set an alarm to get up every 15 or 30 minutes and do 5 minutes of walking or jumping in place. Think of it as a little commercial break.

3) Most cities will still allow you to walk around your neighborhood to get some exercise. Just make sure you practice social distancing and keep 6 feet from other people while outside. Also keep a mask or something to cover your nose and mouth when around more people outside. Getting some fresh air will help you get your steps and lift your spirits for the day.

4) Drink plenty of water every day. If you use a small cup, it will make you get up more often to refill it with water. It will also make you take more trips to the bathroom.

5) Do indoor workouts. Indoor strength training circuits and cardio workouts are great ways to stay fit and earn some extra steps. For example, a 30 minute boxing workout will give you around the same amount of steps as walking 2 miles! Check YouTube for great indoor exercise ideas.

6) Play games with your friends, kids, and/or pets! Play Ultimate Tag with your kids. You can create cool obstacle courses in the backyard or living room. Play fetch with your dog and try to out jump the cat. Have a virtual dance party with your friends through Zoom or House Party!

If the tips above sound helpful, but you don’t have a fitness tracker, click here to read about different fitness trackers and pick the one that suits your lifestyle best.

Comment below if these suggestions are helpful! Also comment with other ideas that you have to get steps while at home.